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Celebrity Impersonators


Jessica Simpson

This performer is based in Bothel, WA and sometimes LA


While our Jess is a dead ringer, alas, she does not sing! Sorry!

Jessica Simpson - Washington


"Paris Hilton" (LA), "Johnny Depp" (LA) and "Jessica Simpson"

Paris Hilton - Johnny Depp -Jessica Simpson lookalikes - LA


Yes, this is OUR Jess in this ad!

from ESPN

Did "Fake" Jessica Simpson Derail Dallas Cowboys?

The New York Post Planted a Jessica Simpson Look-alike
at Sunday's Game to Distract QB Tony Romo

The New York Post planted Jessica Simpson look-alike Lynsey Nordstrom in hopes of distracted Dallas Cowboys' quarterback Tony Romo, who has been rumored to be dating the real popstar. Dallas lost to the New York Giants 21-17 in Sunday's NFC Divisional Playoff game.  (Courtesy NY Post)

"Jessica Simpson has a look-alike, and a good one at that -- maybe even good enough to throw "America's team" off its game.

At first glance, the blonde bombshell in the stands during Sunday's NFC Divisional Playoff game between the New York Giants and the Dallas Cowboy's, clad in oversize sunglasses and a replica Cowboys jersey emblazoned with a hot pink No. 9, was a dead ringer for Simpson.

But the blonde-haired beauty was actually Lynsey Nordstrom, a 21-year-old full-time nanny from Washington state who was planted in the third row behind the 50-yard-line by the New York Post. The Post hoped the pseudo-Simpson would distract Dallas' real No. 9, quarterback Tony Romo, who had a notably bad game earlier in the season while a similarly attired Simpson watched from the stands..."


from The New York Post:


By JENNIFER FERMINO, Post Correspondant
January 13, 2008 -- IRVING, Texas

Jess win, baby!

Even a fake Jessica Simpson was good enough to throw off the Dallas Cowboys yesterday, as Big Blue took a Giant step toward the Super Bowl. The Giants, who notched a stunning 21-17 victory over Dallas, had a good-luck charm in the stands - beautiful Simpson lookalike Lynsey Nordstrom....




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