Are you looking for something fun and interesting for your wedding,
something they'll be talking about for years?

Did you ever wish you could have a "Las Vegas" style
ceremony in the New York metro area?

Would you like to inject some humor into your ceremony?

Would you like to be married by a "celebrity?"

Are you renewing your vows and looking for something fun?


We offer a wide range of celebrity impersonators and comedians,
all with minister credentials, who can conduct your most special ceremony.
From Elvis to Groucho, from Austin Powers to Spock,
from drag queens to "wacky ministers," our talented performers
will bring humor -- tempered with the utmost respect --to your celebration.

Please note, with a couple of exceptions, most of these performers
are based in New York or LA. Prices may include transportation to or from your area.

Miss Understood
Queen of Queens

Austin Powers
also can double as
"wedding photographer," baby!

Joan Rivers

Sammy Davis, Jr.

Stevie Wonder


The Nanny


Tina Turner


Ozzie Osbourne


Vegas Preacher

Joe Pesci

Mystical Guru




Dave Letterman


Other performers not pictured include:

Mr. Spock
Jerry Lewis
Carol Channing
Sophia Loren
Martha Stewart
Zsa-Zsa Gabor
Roseanne Rosannadana
Gracie Allen
Carly Simon
Marlene Dietrich
Peg Bundy
Ernestine the Operator
Dr. Ruth
Frank Sinatra
Don King
James Brown
Puff Daddy

and many, many more. Please inquire!


Looking for more great wedding ideas?


You've spent months getting buff for your wedding.
Preserve your beauty forever with a gorgeous
"French Postcard" style sepia-toned boudoir photograph
by one of the country's most sought-after photographers.